
June 10, 2010

Layover in Tokyo


We opted for a 7 hour layover in Japan, after the 14 hour flight from Newark Airport. We were exhausted from the flight, and had to lug around our carry-on bags, but we’re so glad we did it. After going through customs and buying a train ticket, we got off in Narita, and spent the day sight-seeing. First we walked up and down the city streets, looking in some of the shops that sold local wares and souvenirs. The people were incredibly gracious and friendly. Everything seemed a little slower and relaxed compared to the crazy fast paced city life we’re used to. Next, we made our way down to the Narita Temple, which was truly one of the most impressive things we’ve ever seen. Vast temple buildings surrounded by acres of monuments, streams, and pathways. It was so peaceful it was hard to imagine having to get back to the airport. On our way back, we stopped at a Japanese noodle shop and the food was amazing. Back to the airport to sleep on chairs for an hour until the 3-hour flight to Guam



2SaintsMom said...

Beautiful picture guys! So glad you were able to experience Japanese culture and food :-). Love reading your blogs!

Mike and Libby Stroh said...

Thanks Mom! We love and miss you.